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Powering perspectives on artificial intelligence

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Contributor: Mo Gawdat

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About the expert

Mo Gawdat

Founder, One Billion Happy; Former Chief Business Officer, Google X

Mo Gawdat is an author and Founder at One Billion Happy. Through his 12-year research on happiness, he created an algorithm and a repeatable, well-engineered model to reach a state of uninterrupted happiness regardless of life’s circumstances, which proved highly effective. Through the global #onebillionhappy movement, he shares these principles to further the cause of happiness. Mr. Gawdat is the author of Scary Smart - The Future of Artificial Intelligence and How You Can Save Our World, a roadmap on how humanity can ensure a symbiotic coexistence with AI when it inevitably becomes a billion times smarter than we are, and of an international bestseller Solve for Happy: Engineer Your Path to Joy. Mr. Gawdat was formerly Chief Business Officer at X, previously known as Google X. He joined Google in 2007 to focus on Emerging Markets. Over six years, he started almost half of Google’s operations worldwide. In 2013, Mr. Gawdat moved over to X, the company’s renowned innovation arm, which develops new technologies to reinvent existing processes and deliver a tenfold improvement. Prior to joining Google, Mr. Gawdat headed the Communications Sector across Emerging Markets worldwide at Microsoft.

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