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Investment Bank
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Methodology: Constructing bond portfolios to understand ESG effects

To investigate the impact of ESG factors in credit markets, our analysts carefully constructed high- and low-ESG portfolios using security-level data from Bloomberg Barclays bond indices. The analysis was performed twice, using ESG ratings from two different providers: MSCI ESG Research and Sustainalytics. For a closer look at how we built these portfolios, watch this quick video.

For more on how to interpret ESG ratings, including the impact of geography, here’s an overview
For a sector-by-sector analysis of the US and euro IG markets, view our infographic
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Examining E, S and G performance across sector portfolios 

Investigation into the performance effect of Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) ratings on sector-specific bond portfolios.

Understanding ESG ratings: What do investors need to know? 

Investors are increasingly considering ESG ratings when making investments. But these ratings are complex, so it’s imperative to understand how they are determined before applying them to bond portfolios.

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