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A multipronged strategy to fight climate change

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Contributor: John Sterman

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have already warmed our planet about 1°C above pre-industrial levels. Without much stronger action to cut emissions, average global temperatures are expected to rise more than 3°C by the year 2100, harming human health, threatening crop yields, raising the sea level, and inflicting far more economic damage than COVID-19.

A multipronged strategy to fight climate change
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About the expert

John Sterman

Director, MIT System Dynamics Group

John Sterman is the Jay W. Forrester Professor of Management at the MIT Sloan School of Management, Professor in MIT’s Institute for Data, Systems and Society, and director of the MIT System Dynamics Group and MIT Sloan Sustainability Initiative. Professor Sterman has published over 200 works spanning corporate strategy and operations, energy policy, public health, and climate change. Author of award-winning books and papers, he pioneered the development of interactive “management flight simulators” of corporate and economic systems, which are now used by governments, corporations, and universities around the world. These include the C-ROADS and En-ROADS energy and climate policy simulations, developed in partnership with the non-profit, Climate Interactive, used by policymakers, negotiators, business and civil society leaders, educators and the public around the world. Professor Sterman is an elected fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and has been recognized for his work with an honorary doctorate and numerous other honours, including eight awards for teaching excellence at MIT. His work is often featured in the media, from the New York Times, Washington Post, and National Public Radio to China’s CGTN. Professor Sterman holds an AB in engineering and environmental systems from Dartmouth College and a PhD in system dynamics from MIT.

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