執行永續發展資訊 Information on Sustainable Development Implementations 請詳巴克萊ESG資源中心瞭解進一步訊息。巴克萊ESG資源中心是一個集中網頁,提供詳細的技術資訊,揭露和巴克萊對環境保護、社會責任和公司治理的立場聲明,予分析師、ESG投資者、信用評等機構、供應商、客戶和所有其他利害相關人。 Please refer to the Barclays ESG Resource Hub for further information. Barclays ESG Resource Hub provides a central website page consisting of detailed technical information, disclosures and our position statements on environmental, social and governance matters. It is intended to be relevant for analysts, ESG investors, rating agencies, suppliers, clients and all other stakeholders. |
氣候變遷資訊 Information on Climate Change 有關氣候變遷相關資訊,請詳 Barclays PLC Annual Report 2023第59頁Climate and Sustainability report。 Regarding climate change related information, please refer to the Climate and Sustainability report on page 59 of the Barclays PLC Annual Report 2023. 歷年報告和相關歷史資訊,請詳巴克萊ESG資源中心。 For previous years’ reports and other historical information, please refer to Barclays ESG Resource Hub.