Barclays Bank Ireland PLC, Paris Branch is supervised by the Autorité des Marchés Financiers and the Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution. Barclays Bank Ireland PLC, Paris branch’s principal establishment is at 34 /36 Avenue de Friedland - 75383 Paris Cedex 8 – and the registration number is 842 837 080 R.C.S. Paris.
Barclays Bank Ireland PLC is a company registered under the law of Ireland under the form of a Public Company Limited By Shares – Registered Office: One Molesworth Street, Dublin 2, Ireland, D02 RF29. Registration number 396330.
A list of names and personal details of every director of the Barclays Bank Ireland PLC is available for inspection to the public at the company’s registered office for a nominal fee.
Barclays Bank PLC is not authorised as a credit institution or an investment firm in France and does not provide regulated investment or banking services to clients established in France. Any communications that you have with Barclays Bank PLC in France regarding Content is solely in its role as a unregulated provider of such Content.
Barclays Bank PLC is not authorised as a credit institution or an investment firm in Ireland and does not provide regulated investment or banking services to clients established in Ireland. Any communications that you have with Barclays Bank PLC in Ireland regarding Content is solely in its role as a unregulated provider of such Content.
Nothing herein should be considered "investment advice" as defined in the Regulation of Investment Advising, Investment Marketing and Portfolio Management Law, 5755-1995 (the “Advisory Law”).
In Israel this message is being made available to Eligible Investors, as defined under the Advisory Law who are also sophisticated investors enumerated in Appendix A of the Securities Law, 5728-1968 (“Securities Law”) who purchase securities solely for their own benefit and on their own account and not with the aim or intention of distributing or offering such securities to other parties. Such investors acknowledge and approve that they would be deemed sophisticated investors for purposes of the Securities Law.
Barclays does not maintain an investment advisory or an investment marketing license with the Israel Securities Authority (ISA). Barclays previously held an investment marketing license with the ISA but it cancelled such license on 30/11/2014 since Barclays provides its services to Eligible Clients (as defined under the Advisory Law) solely, pursuant to available exemption under the Advisory Law and a license is not required. Accordingly, Barclays does not maintain an insurance coverage pursuant to the Advisory Law.
All transactions entered into with Barclays in Cash Equity Securities listed in the State of Kuwait ('Kuwait'), are and will be undertaken and executed before the relevant competent authorities via a duly authorised and licensed broker in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations of Kuwait.
Barclays Bank PLC in the Qatar Financial Centre (Registered No. 00018) is authorised by the Qatar Financial Centre Regulatory Authority. Barclays Bank PLC, QFC Branch may only undertake the regulated activities that fall within the scope of its existing QFCRA authorisation. Related financial products or services are only available to Business Customers and Eligible Counterparties as defined by the Qatar Financial Centre Regulatory Authority. Principal place of business in Qatar: Office 741, 7th floor, The Gate Mall - Tower II, Maysaloun St., West Bay, PO Box 14023, Doha, Qatar.
United Arab Emirates
Barclays Bank PLC in the Dubai International Financial Centre (Registered No. 0060) is regulated by the Dubai Financial Services Authority. Barclays Bank PLC (DIFC Branch) may only undertake the financial services activities that fall within the scope of its existing DFSA licence. Related financial products or services are only available to Professional Clients and Market Counterparties, as defined by the Dubai Financial Services Authority. Principal place of business in the DIFC: Dubai International Financial Centre, The Gate Village Building No. 10, Level 6, PO Box 506674, Dubai, U.A.E.